Highlander Warriors and Native Heroes
Welcome and Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
I’m thrilled and delighted to have two dear friends as my guests this week! I feel blessed to know both of these lovely ladies and talented authors, Beth Trissel and Lane McFarland! But that’s not all . . . This is a special post for all my visitors too! This is your chance to leave a comment, and share what “Heroes” you like to read about, and don’t forget to mention which characteristics you think makes the “perfect Hero” (find out how to win a prize at the end of the post) .
Please help me welcome my first guest, the talented . . .
The Perfect Hero
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, but my favorite hero is bigger than life.
Honest and trustworthy, he fights for what he believes in, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Confident in his abilities, he is held in highest esteem by others. His men would die for him.
Although hardened from prior experiences, he has a soft spot for his lady love and treats her with respect and kindness.
Click here to find out more about my heroes at Amazon
For a chance to win one of my ebooks, tell us about your perfect hero.
Patty having to add just a “wee bit” about Lane’s books I’ve read . . I “Loved” reading Lane’s series, The Daughters of Alastair MacDougall. All her characters not only come to life the instant you meet them, but touch your heart thru to the end . . . you won’t want to miss reading the next book! Now’s the perfect opportunity to win one of Lane’s fabulous ebooks! Don’t forget to leave a comment for your chance to win . . .
I have to say, two of Lane’s heroes in particular that became my favorite, were Brandon McLeod and Laird Alec Campbell . . . . with the ladies Elsbeth and Heather . . . .
oh my, you’ll have to read these books and discover how fast you’re fall in love with these brave heroes for yourself. I can’t wait to read these next two books in Lane’s newest series . . .
And now for my next guest, please help me welcome the talented:
Red Bird’s Song is inspired by events that occurred to my ancestors in the colonial frontier. This historical adventure romance centers on their conflict with Native Americans during the French and Indian War and has a The Last of the Mohicans flavor. Research into my English/Scots-Irish roots in colonial America led to my writing Red Bird’s Song. My fascination with this era, particularly stirring tales of the frontier and the Shawnee Indians, is an early and abiding one. My forebears had interactions with this tribe, including family members taken captive. I have ties to Wicomechee, the hero of Red Bird’s Song, an outstanding Shawnee warrior whose real-life story greatly impacted the novel. More from the true account of Wicomechee is included at the end of the novel, as a bonus for those who read it.
In Red Bird’s Song, Wicomechee is not without compassion for the white settlers but he is fiercely loyal to his people. Beneath his sometimes stern exterior, lurks a sense of humor and a poetic soul. He’s a crack shot. His hunting skills provide food for the others and fell opponents in battle. He also wields the tomahawk and knife with deadly accuracy.
He’s a sharp-witted, skillful fighter. Everything a warrior should master, he excels at, and he’s well-liked by his peers–not by his rivals. Wicomechee is certain of his place in the tribe until he meets the Scots-Irish beauty, Charity Edmondson.
The encounter between Wicomechee and Charity at the beginning of Red Bird’s Song was born in a dream I had on New Year’s Eve–a propitious time for dreams–about a young warrior taking an equally young woman captive at a river and the unexpected attraction between them. That dream had such a profound impact on me that I made the leap from writing non-fiction pieces to historical/paranormal romance novels and embarked on the most amazing journey of my life. That was years ago and the saga continues.
At the start of Red Bird’s Song, I also met the prophetic warrior, Eyes of the Wolf (Wicomechee’s grandfather), in another dream. When I describe him in the book I’m envisioning a character I know. Eyes of the Wolf became a spirit guide and spoke to me throughout the writing of this book, and others. He’s there still in various guises. My journey with him is not complete.
The attack at the opening of Red Bird’s Song in the Shenandoah Valley is based on one that occurred to my ancestors and is recorded by Historian Joseph A. Waddell in The Annals of Augusta County. A renegade Englishman by the last name of Dickson led the war party that attacked them. I’d initially intended to make Colin Dickson in Red Bird’s Song the historical villain that he was, but as soon as he galloped onto the scene I knew differently. He is Wicomechee’s blood brother.
Regarding the setting for Red Bird’s Song: In the early-mid 1700’s, the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia (where I live) and surrounding mountains was the colonial frontier. Only hardy souls dared to settle here.
The bulk of these were the tough Scots-Irish, among them my ancestors. If 18th century warriors only had to fight regular British troops, they might ultimately have prevailed. They terrified men trained for conventional warfare. But the long knives were born fighters, and not easily intimidated. They learned from their cunning enemy and adopted their methods, weapons, and clothing.
The ruggedly beautiful Alleghenies are also the setting for some of my other historical-paranormal romance novels, Through the Fire, Kira, Daughter of the Moon, The Bearwalker’s Daughter, and my short historical romance, The Lady and the Warrior. I see these ridges from our farm in the Shenandoah Valley. The foothills are only a hop, skip and a jump away from us. The ever-changing panorama of the seasons never fails to inspire me. My Young Adult/Native American Wolf Shifter romance series entitled The Secret Warrior is also set in the mountains.
Red Bird’s Song is part of my Native American Warrior Series. The series loosely ties together based more on time and place and strong Native American characters than as a traditional series that follows the story line. However, Kira, Daughter of the Moon is the actual sequel to Through the Fire, and there may be other sequels. In addition to Native Americans, hardy Scots-Irish frontiersmen and women, colonial Englishmen and ladies, and even a few Frenchmen also play an important role in this series. It spans the the dramatic era of the French and Indian War, through Pontiac’s War, The American Revolution, and shortly afterwards.
Blurb for Red Bird’s Song:
Taken captive by a Shawnee war party wasn’t how Charity Edmondson hoped to escape an unwanted marriage. Nor did Shawnee warrior Wicomechee expect to find the treasure promised by his grandfather’s vision in the unpredictable red-headed girl.
George III’s English Red-Coats, unprincipled colonial militia, prejudice and jealousy are not the only enemies Charity and Wicomechee will face before they can hope for a peaceful life. The greatest obstacle to happiness is in their own hearts. As they struggle through bleak mountains and cold weather, facing wild nature and wilder men, Wicomechee and Charity must learn to trust each other.
Excerpt from Red Bird’s Song:
Charity swiped angrily at a tear. She’d run away, if she had anyone to run to.
It wasn’t right they were all dead.
On impulse, she jumped to the ground. “I’ll go anyway,” she muttered. “Eat nuts and berries and live in the woods.”
“Will you go alone?” a low voice asked. Sucking in her breath, she whirled around. Less than twenty feet away, grasping his musket, stood a tall young brave. Stripes of red and black paint blurred his striking features. His dark brown eyes riveted her in place. This warrior was like no other and the most savagely handsome man she’d ever seen.
God help her. She should flee now, but could only stare, open-mouthed. She swept her disbelieving gaze over the loose black hair brushing an open buckskin vest that revealed his bronzed chest and shoulders molded into contours of muscle. An elkskin breechclout left a great deal of his hard thighs exposed. Despite the dread hammering in her chest, a fiery blush burned her cheeks. But it was the sheathed knife hanging on his left side and the lethal tomahawk slung on his right that snapped Charity from her near-trance.
In a rush of memories, she recalled the stories of her father’s death under the scalping knife and neighbors who’d suffered the same violent fate. No Indians had been spotted in their settlement since the Shawnee grew hostile and war had erupted nine years ago, but the warfare had ended. Hadn’t it?
Clenching ice-cold fingers, she dug her nails into her palms. “What in God’s name are you doing here?” she forced past the dry lump in her throat.
“Watching you.”~
“A beautifully written story filled with adventure and suspense…This book touched my soul even as it provided a thrilling fictional escape into a period of history I have always found fascinating.” –Night Owl Book Review by Laurie-J
“I loved the descriptions…I felt I was there…Many mystical episodes are intermingled with the events…The ending is a real surprise, but I will let you have the pleasure of reading it for yourself.” –Seriously Reviewed
For more on Red Bird’s Song and my other titles, visit my Amazon Author Page:
For more on me, visit my blog
Patty would like to add, Red Bird’s Song will always be one of my favorite reads! I read several of Beth’s wonderful books before I had the pleasure of becoming Beth’s friend.
***Beth is giving away free kindle copies of Red Bird’s Song to 3 lucky people that leave her comments. You won’t want to miss this opportunity!
And finally, for a “wee bit” about my “magical/paranormal heroes” whom I love writing about . . . the one trait I make sure they all have in common – is compassion.
I remember growing up watching “Mighty Mouse”, Zorro, Tarzan, Robin Hood, Superman, and in later years, the new stars along with new movies such as “Willow” (which I still adore) and the list goes on . . I soon discovered no matter what their size, they all fought for the “under dog” and others in need. To me, that takes someone special with a good heart and passion for all living creatures. . . Since I love everything Irish, Scottish, and Native American, I concentrated my first two books in my Highlander Magick Series, both time travel fantasy romance set in the mystical, Isle of Skye, Scotland.
I’m pleased to share my lovely covers . . . which are shown here on display at Nora Roberts, Turn the Page Bookstore, located in Boonsboro, Maryland
I must admit, my favorite hero of the two, is Duncan McCord in Mortal Magick. This is a beauty and the beast story, beginning in Thurmont, Md and ending up in Scotland. (my readers seem to enjoy him as well)
Here’s a wee peek inside:
Trotternish ∙ Isle of Skye, Scotland ∙ October 7th, 1797 Duncan McCord wanted a woman. His entire body and soul hungered for a special lass’s touch. The one destined for his love who he would call, kindred spirit. His stomach tightened with a pain ripping through him like the slice of a broadsword. This canna’ happen. Not now, not ever. Reality hastily slapped him back to his senses. He vowed never to be foolish enough to let himself fall into another vixen’s treacherous traps. . . .
The peculiar garb was unfamiliar to him. There wasn’t time to wonder about her clothing now, not if the wee lass were to make it alive through the bitter cold night. Chills ran through his veins as he realized the sudden challenge. Now more than ever, he must keep his beast under complete control. His hands trembled for a moment before reaching down to pick up the strange young woman. Like holding a wounded yearling, he cradled her cold body safely against his chest. The young lass’s eyelids fluttered. Her eyes opened wide, her stare glued to his beastly face. . .
Currently, I’m working on Dragon Fae Magick, set in a majestic old castle, nestled in Northern Ireland.
If you’d like to win a free kindle copy of either of my books, please leave me a comment.
Ok, it’s your turn everyone! For a chance to win a free ebook from Lane, Beth or me . . . Please make sure you leave those comments on heroes you like to read about, and what characteristics makes your “Perfect Hero”. Don’t forget to write, Lane, Beth, or Patty so we know which author you’d like to receive a prize from if your name is drawn.
Winners names will be drawn and posted Sunday, Feb. 18th at 7pm est.
A special thank you to Beth and Lane for joining me, and to all my visitors that stop by . . . so until next time . . . bye for now . . . from Patty
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