Welcome Mairi Norris

I’m thrilled to have my dear friend, and talented author, Mairi Norris with us today!  Please help to welcome her by leaving a wee comment or two! 

Oh, it’s lovely to visit with you and your readers today, Patty! Thanks so much for inviting me. I’m celebrating the release on March 28 of Scent of Wild Roses, Book Four in the Ballads of the Roses.



Tell us about yourself. Have you had other careers before becoming a writer? Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

Well, let’s see. I’ve been a practical nurse, a homemaker, and I’m a Navy vet (hospital corpsman) and now I’m a full time writer. All of these careers were dreams come true and I enjoyed every one, but I have to admit, this last one is something very special. Writing lets me explore all the ‘other’ dreams I had, the ones time did not permit and others which cannot exist except in my imagination (like healer to a Highland clan or chatelaine of a Norman Marcher lord’s castle as his cherished wife!)


What genre(s) do you write in and why?

Growing up, history was always my favorite subject in school, which is probably why I adore writing historical romance. While my books are set from the Dark Ages to early modern, my favorite era is early medieval. There is simply something so stirring and fascinating about life so long ago, it’s impossible to resist. That interest is also piqued by family genealogy (German, Irish, English, Scottish). Some years ago, I learned a direct ancestor immigrated from England in the early 1600’s and married a woman who lived just a few miles from where I live now. How cool is that? From the familial standpoint, I feel like I’ve come ‘full circle’.


What are your current (and future) projects?

My newest book, set for release on March 28, is Scent of Wild Roses, Book Four in the Ballads of the Roses, is due for release March 28. I’ve already started a Roses novella, Taming the Pale Rose, that will be a prequel, of sorts, to The Stones of Rose, Book Five in the series. There will be at least one more full-length Roses novel, A Rose Most Deadly. I also have a low-fantasy medieval romance, Winds of Carthanna, in the works, and do hope to get back to the Viking Brothers series once I’ve finished  Roses.


Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

Apart from a hearty “thank you for supporting authors”? Aye, if you love a book, if you enjoy it enough to finish it, tell other readers about it. Leave a review. Even a short review helps the author, and yours  might be the one that keeps a good author from giving up.


Where can your readers contact you or find information on your books and newest release?

Readers can learn more about Scent of Wild Roses (release date 28 March) or my other books, or contact me at:



I also adore Pinterest. In the various book boards on my Pinterest page, readers can find glossaries, background information, character lists, series timelines, maps and layouts and inspirational images.


Thanks so much for joining with us today, Mairi!  Your post was truly enjoyable and fascinating! And I love your new cover!  Wee Darby and I send you all the best wishes and many sales on your new release! Please come back and visit with us again soon!


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