Wee Darby and I are honored to have my dear friend and mentor, Beth Trissel here with us today. To help celebrate my birthday, and Beth’s new young adult fantasy release, Beth has agreed to share a few of her garden expertise secrets, regarding specific flowers to attract fairies to your garden.
Please join me in welcoming Beth to my site by leaving comments.
Thank you, Patty, for having me on your lovely blog to share about plants for a fairy garden and my new YA fantasy, Curse of the Moon (Book 2, the Secret Warrior Series).
Who doesn’t want to attract fairies to their garden? Of all the herbs associated with the little folk, the most important one is thyme, which I love. I’m forever planting more varieties of thyme. In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Titania, the fairy queen, sleeps in a bed of wild thyme growing on a bank. Sure. Why not?
Foxglove is also essential for a fairy garden. According to legend, fairies sleep in the bell-shaped flowers, and wear them as gloves. Which use they prefer, probably depends upon the size of the fairy. Other common names for foxglove include fairy fingers, fairy thimbles, and fairy cap.
Another favorite herb is saffron, which disappeared from my garden after a bad winter. Fairies are said to be especially fond of this culinary herb/spice used for flavoring cakes and dyeing cloth. Other recommended plants are fragrant rosemary and roses. Roses are much loved by fairies for their beauty and divine scent, and by me.
Not to neglect bluebells, also beloved by fairies. These beautiful blue flowers that carpet woodlands in spring are also known as harebell, Scottish bellflower, and fairies thimble. It was, and maybe still is, widely believed that fairies live among the flowers. Another name for bluebells is Dead Man’s bells because fairies were thought to cast spells on those foolish enough to pick or damage the delicate blossoms.
When meandering through drifts of bluebells, it’s wise to stick to the path, or you may stir up the wrath of fairies and release the spells trapped in the blooms. Never a good idea, and one that would be echoed by our resident fairy expert, my 11-year-old niece, Cailin, who warns never step into a circle of flowers or go anywhere without the fairies’ permission, or they will get very upset. And you do not want an upset fairy, or fairies, on your hands. Particularly the furious wind fairies, but that’s another story.
Clap if you believe in fairies. I hear Patty clapping.
*** Patty has to chime in here for a wee minute – The majority of these gorgeous flower photos were taken in Beth’s own lovely gardens, (except for the bluebells, which I can honestly say I’ve visited the mystical Glens of Antrim which is known for its magical fairy Glens) ok, back to Beth . . .
Fairies do not feature in Curse of the Moon, but shifters, witches, magic, and spells do. Each book expands the fantasy, creatures, and characters in the one before it. The Secret Warrior Series took years percolating in my mind before I wrote a word. Although the setting is present day in our Virginia Mountains, I’ve drawn on my knowledge of colonial America, Native Americans, particularly the Shawnee, the mountain people, herbal lore, and my wild imagination. Book 1 in the series is The Hunter’s Moon. Yes, you need to read them in order.
Blurb for Curse of the Moon:
The bad news? Morgan Daniel’s wolf is out of control. The good news? There’s a treatment. She just has to get a potion from a lizard shifter witch–without looking into the witch’s eyes. Easy, right? But when the witch puts a spell on her younger brother, Morgan has to do the witch’s bidding to save him. Fortunately Morgan isn’t alone. She has Jackson to lean on, a few witches coming into their powers, a secret warlock, and the always mysterious Chief Okema. What could possibly go wrong?
Excerpt from Curse of the Moon:
“Maybe you’re an Allasomorph,” Jimmy suggested. “They have their own planet and several moons.”
“Great. Because I’m not weird enough?”
A scraping noise and the kitchen door opened, letting in the autumn chill and Jackson’s highly unusual grandmother. Miriam held a basket of eggs gathered from the red and bronze chickens in the sturdy coop out back. Her slender figure was wrapped in a gray wool shawl, her lined face rosy beneath the matching scarf knotted at her throat. Her long silver hair and blue, beaded skirts whipped in the wind.
She shut the heavy door and glanced at the assembly around the table. Brown eyes, the dark hue of Jackson’s, rested on Morgan. Her gaze widened, then narrowed in an expression of somber awareness. “Oh my.”
If anyone apart from the unfathomable Chief Okema possessed the knowledge to aid her, it was this gentle healer. Wisdom flowed through Miriam’s veins like clear mountain water. Not only was she Jackson’s grandmother, but a descendent of the Star People, a mysterious race of space aliens Okema prophesied would someday return. What that meant for Miriam, and ultimately Jackson, Morgan didn’t know. Only that without help from this wise woman, or someone, she was doomed to a whole other world of weird.~
continued . . . . .
A bit about Beth: Married to my high school sweetheart, I live on a farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with my human family and furbabies. An avid gardener, my love of herbs and heirloom plants figures into my work. The rich history of Virginia, the Native Americans, and the people who journeyed here from far beyond her borders are at the heart of my inspiration. I’m especially drawn to colonial America and the drama of the American Revolution. In addition to historical romance, I also write time travel, paranormal, YA fantasy romance, and nonfiction.
You can find Beth and her books here:
Curse of the Moon (Book 2, Secret Warrior Series) is available in eBook from all online booksellers, and in print from Amazon and The Wild Rose Press.
Kindle Link: http://www.amazon.com/Curse-Moon-Secret-Warrior-Trissel-ebook/dp/B01DH16746
At Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/curse-of-the-moon-beth-trissel/1123602026
Beth’s Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Beth-Trissel/e/B002BLLAJ6
Beth’s Blog: One Writer’s Way: https://bethtrissel.wordpress.com
Like Beth on Facebook: Author Beth Trissel
Follow The Secret Warrior Series on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BethTrissel2YAFantasySeries/
Follow Beth on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BethTrissel
Thanks so much for hosting me today, Patty, What a beautiful post you’ve put together, and such a lovely site. Happy birthday to you and book day to me!
Thank you for joining us today, Beth! I’m thrilled to have you as my guest, especially today! And congratulations on your new release! I’m looking forward to reading it!
Thanks so much, Patty!
Pingback: Beth Trissel’s Curse of the Moon – Book 2 of the Secret Warrior Series Available Now! | misplacedmisfit.com
Thanks for the gardening tips. I have a few of these plants and will be getting more. I think I will be getting your books to take along on vacation…29 days to go.
Beautiful blog posts.
Hi Kathy! Glad you stopped by and enjoyed the post! I’m sure you’re counting down those days 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful vacation, and you should definitely enjoy reading Beth’s books 🙂 I’ve read the 1st one and love it 🙂
Thanks Kathy. I need to replenish some of my fairy plants! And the books should be lovely for a vacation. 🙂
Nothing beats sitting in a beach chair reading all day, with the exception of taking a break to play with my grandkids 🙂
Yes, I have them too. 🙂 And you’re right. A great combination.
Awesome information and beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by, Linda 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post 🙂
Happy Birthday, Patty! And Beth, what a fabulous post! Like you, I love Thyme (or any plant that, once stuck into the ground, pretty much looks after itself.) Other favorites of mine are Bee Balm which is also nearly indestructible and Rosemary, which I can’t persuade to grow at any cost. At this time of year, our large yard is covered with tiny violets that seem to spring up overnight. Is it possible the fairies have planted them for me?
Thank you, Laura 🙂 So glad you dropped by to help us celebrate and glad you enjoyed the post!
Fairies do love wee violets, Laura 🙂
Glad you enjoyed the post, Linda. Thanks for stopping by.
Laura, rosemary is mostly a pot plant for me and we love violets. I think fairies do too. And thanks!
Thank you Beth for the interesting facts about the fairies and your beautiful photos of the flowers in your own garden. You must have a lot of fairies. Your books sound wonderful and the covers are lovely.
Thanks so much, Cathy. Yes, we have lots of flower fairies. And thanks for the high five on the books.
What an interesting post, Beth! I loved reading about the fairy gardens full of foxglove and bluebells. I wish I could grow them in my garden!
Your Secret Warrior Series sounds wonderful, and your book covers are amazing. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks so much, Lane. I grow Virginia bluebells here and they do well. No doubt fairies like them too. Foxglove is a challenge many years. And thanks so much about the books. 🙂
Hi Lane! and thank you for the birthday wishes!!! So happy you could stop by and delighted you enjoyed the post 🙂 ((hugs))
Lovely post and I believe the blue bells are my favorite. And wise granddaughter you have, Beth. One should never anger the fairies!
And happy birthday again, Patty!!! 😊
Thanks Maeve. One never should. Agreed. 🙂
Hi Maeve ((hugs)) thank you again, for the birthday wishes 🙂 Delighted you could stop by and visit with us today!
Beautiful photos of flowers and fairies. I am clapping.
I can hear you clapping, Linda 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for stopping by 🙂
Thanks Linda. I went into the garden while the sun was out and told the little people, (grandbabies), the fairies were surely out today with all the rich green and flowers!
Happy Birthday, Patty! Hello to wee Darby. What a lovely post to celebrate the day. Best wishes, Beth.
Thank you, Laurel! And Wee Darby is waving hello 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for commenting )
Oh hi there, Laurel. Didn’t see you for the fairies. Thanks for your kind comments.
Sorry here so late. I would LOVE to lure fairies to my garden 🙂 *Waves to Beth*
Happy Birthday Patty!
Thank you, LeeAnn 🙂 You’re not late – you are always welcome to leave a reply on any of the posts 🙂
Hello LeeAnn! Waving back. Was in the garden with the fairies.
Gorgeous site Patty! The photos and excerpts are beautiful Beth, a lovely experience!
Thank you, M.T. I’m delighted you enjoyed the site and todays post 🙂 Please make sure you drop by again and visit.
Thanks M. T. So glad you could stop by.
I have always loved the flowers in a garden and imagined fairies everywhere! Our little fairies wear sunbonnets and usually stay hidden under the leaves! And, I got you book today Beth! Can’t wait to start reading! <3
What wonderful imagery, Jinny, and thanks so much!
Love the wee sunbonnets, Jinny 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Patty and Beth. First things first, happy birthday, Patty. Thanks for the lovely pictures and informative post. It’s not hard to see how these flowers can capture the imagination of a creative writer. Although I’ve had a thumb of doom in the past, I’ve had a bit of luck in recent years with houseplants, and mint and basil. 🙂 it was nice to pop in and read the posts, and I wish you both continued success with your books.
Big hugs!
Thank you, Allie 🙂 I’m delighted you enjoyed the post!
Thanks so much, Allie, and for stopping by. Mint and basil usually do well and smell wonderful. I love them both.
Thanks for sharing the info on flowers to attract fairies! I’m working on a Fairy Garden for my deck. Now I know some plants to add to the setting. I love you books and can’t wait to read this new one.
Thanks for stopping by, Melba 🙂 Have fun working in your fairy garden!
That’s great, Melba. Thanks so much. A fairy garden on your deck sounds lovely
Happy Birthday, Patty! Dear Beth, thanks for the lovely post. I am getting plants for Mother’s Day and plan to acquire wood violets among others. I always enjoy your beautiful posts. I do plan to have a wee fairy house in the garden. Cailin is wise.
Thanks for stopping by, Caroline, and thank you 🙂
Thanks so much, Caroline. Your plant ideas and fairy house sound wonderful.
Ooo…love the faeries! Can you hear me clapping? Congratulations, Beth on your new release! Happy Birthday, Patty! 🙂
Thank you, Mary 🙂 Yes, I can hear you clapping 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! hope to see you stop back for another visit again soon 🙂
I hear you, Mary. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing our birthday/release day combo celebration.